Allied Pumps Hot Water Circulation Pumpset Model APHWP-N2060-C with Thermakos control

$3,331.33 excl gst

Allied Pumps Hot Water Circulation Pumpset Model APHWP-N2060-C with Thermakos control

SKU: KB601000 Category: Tag:


Allied Pumps Package Hot Water Circulating Pump System Model APHWP-N2060-C comprising dual cast Stainless Steel multi speed CORDE pumps mounted on common baseplate, complete with Thermakos automatic alternating multi pump controller, interconnecting 316 stainless steel pipework, valves, unions and accessories. Control system to incorporate the following features; pump plug in sockets, pump auto/man selection; automatic alternation by temperature or time, programmable 24hr/7day cycle, digital temperature readout, pump current monitor, pump fail alarm, auto changeover to standby pump on duty pump fail, pump circuit protection, low temperature alarm, outputs for BMS and audible alarm.